Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Decisions, Decisions!

I haven't had much free time to upload any pictures of the progress on my house, if that's what you want to call it.  I've been so busy lately with other things that I haven't had much time to work on the house.  I've torn out all of the pre-existing flooring (carpet, wood, ceramic tile), primed the whole house, painted one bedroom, and most of the ceilings.  All of the old ceiling fans and lighting fixtures have been taken down, my refrigerator was delivered two weeks ago, and some good friends of mine cut two dead pine trees down in my front yard.  That's all that's been done in the past month.

Today's decision.......which entertainment center to go with?  I have two options:


There's only a $37.00 difference.  I won't tell you which one is the more expensive one, so as not to steer your deciding factor in the cheaper direction.